Mary Margaret Armitage (nee Sennett), born November 14th 1923 - died October 13th 2007.

Here's a super picture of Grandma. This image was used on a lovely little card put out at Grandma's funeral service, along with this verse.
When some great sorrow, like a mighty river,
Flows through your life with peace-destroying power,
And dearest things are swept from sight forever,
Say to your heart each trying hour,
"This, too, shall pass away."
My best memory about this picture is when my cousin had found it on the shelf (it was in a particularly swish frame) and said to Grandma "Wow, who's she??" Gran informed him that it was indeed her, and he said "Corr, you were a smasher, weren't you?". She was so chuffed with that! (Even though his use of the past tense was not too subtle - he was only little!).
The lovely detail in this image is Gran's pretty dress - it was the one she was wearing when my Grandad first met her, at a dance.
Just here is a little picture of my Grandad, Eric, when a young man, it's not a great shot, but I like it! It's the day when he was Best Man to brother-in-law Austin, early 1960's.

Her Grandparents
Here are two images of my Grandma's Grandparents...just got these so more details later.

Mary's Mother's parents (Thomas & Francis Fitzpatrick) are on the left here. He was a Stonemason (See my post here) and was born in Ireland.

Mary's Father's parents (William & Jane Sennett) are on the right side here. Don't they look young, especially Jane?
Photo archive of Mary Armitage, nee Sennett
Firstly, is this the earliest picture of my Grandma??

And now for a few pictures of 'Grandma' - as a little girl.
First she is dressed for her first communion,

This next one is from the time when Gran was at Grammar school in Darlington. To her right is where her Mum lived but you can only see their garden wall. To her left is the end of Welsh Row.

Above is an image from 1938, we know - so aged 15.
Grandma attended the Immaculate Conception convent school in Darlington (she was a day-girl, travelling by bus every day). It was known as Southend School and is now the Grange Hotel. Here are some links about it: Photo, reunion, history.
Next, she is with her dog called Cracker. In this image, Mary looks a little older?

Some images now from when she was older:

Mary worked during the war at the Royal Ordnance factory, Spennymoor. A history published by one of her contemporaries can be read here. The factory was open from 1938 till 1946, after which it became a trading estate. Mary stopped work when she got married, as was the custom then.
Here's my Grandma & Grandad's wedding, the new Mr & Mrs Armitage in 1946.
From left to right in the shot are Austin, his cousin Winnie Carr, James Sennett, Eric, Lizzie Sennett (just visible), Mary and Little Teresa Carr.

Below are two photos taken at Marian's baptism. Clearly a shining social occasion, or perhaps it was a 'Baptism of Fire'...
She's a bright lass...
They show Eric, Mary, little Tina & baby Marian (if you have your shades handy) and also Mary's brother Austin, her Mum and her Aunt Molly.

Below here, I have a cute picture from 1960 of Mary's youngest child - he is in the Silver Cross which did such good service & was such fun to ride on! Also their Hillman Minx car can be seen, and the end of the row of houses where the family lived.

Next is 'The Four Generations' shot from 1971 - Marian, Lizzie Sennett, holding baby me, and Mary.
Hmm, I wonder if I could find images of all the female relatives from generations going way back and try & paste them all up together...I'd have to find images from when each lady was about the same age, for comparison...

Love from Lisa xx
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